Friday, September 24, 2010

Signs and superstitions

Sometimes, I can be a little superstitious, but I don't let it rule my life. I remember breaking a mirror when I was a little girl and I believed that I was cursed and would then have 7 years of bad luck. I was convinced that every bad thing that happened to me, after I broke that mirror was a direct result of me breaking that mirror! That stuck with me for a LONG time and I was just a little kid!

I don't remember having any other major superstitions as a kid (I never really believed step on a crack break your momma's back, or that opening an umbrella indoors, walking under ladders, black cats crossing your path were really going to cause you bad luck), the mirror one did enough damage. I didn't get over that one til I worked in a custom frame shop and had to break mirrors as part of my job. If I get 7 years of bad luck for every mirror I broke, I'll never have good luck;)

What is luck anyway? I think we make our own "luck" with our positive energy and we create our own "bad luck" with our negative energy.

I am, however, so embarassed to admit that there is a silly superstition, more of a sign really, that when it happens, it always stops me in my tracks.

Are you ready, this is going to make you laugh. Well, it makes me laugh anyway.

The song, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for", by U2, if I'm dating someone or starting to date someone or thinking about someone I am considering dating and I hear that song, I take that as a sign that they aren't the person for me.

Really stupid, huh? I mean, they play that song on the radio ALL the time! If that is my sign and I believe it, I'll never find what I'm looking for!

I've been talking to this one guy for a month, on the phone and email, we have really great conversation and I'm really comfortable talking to him. We are both really busy and finally, after a month of talking, we made plans to meet for our first date.  Yesterday, I went to check my email and just as I see there's an email from him, that song comes on my Pandora. My exact thought was, "Oh well, he seemed nice".

What the crap? I haven't even met him yet and believe it or not, I'm considering cancelling our first date, just because I heard that song! Really, really dumb, I know, but that's what I was thinking.

A song, a silly song that I hear all the time, comes on at, I'm not kidding you, the exact moment I see his email and I take that as a sign he's not the one for me, having never met him.

No wonder I'm single! AND no, I'm not going to cancel our first date. I'm not going to let hearing that song taint our first date. We've talked for a month and I have a pretty good idea of the kind of guy he is. I'm going on the date knowing he's pretty cocky and self assured, loves to talk and makes me laugh a lot:)

Our first date is next Saturday, I'll let you know how it goes;)

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