Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting Started

I guess I should start off by talking about myself and giving a little history. I am a 37 year old, single, white female, never married, no kids. I was born and raised in the Portland metro area and I'm currently living in deep SE Portland in a home I bought with my mom.

Yes, I'm 37 single and living with my mom. Not exactly how I pictured my life at 37, but hey, things happen. Life happens.

How did I picture my life, you might ask. Well, all my life, all I ever wanted was to fall in love, get married and have a baby. I have always wanted the fairy tale, the happily ever after.

Unfortunately, I've yet to meet my prince charming. I've been kissing frogs like crazy and just haven't found my prince.

I have made some very poor choices in my life when it comes to men. Really poor. I've dated a lot of guys who were wrong for me and I know I did that, because I want to be loved so bad, that even being loved by someone who was controlling or disrespectful or immature was better than not being loved at all.

Well, I'm trying really hard to break that cycle. I have gone to therapy and have learned lots about myself and what I want out of a man and out of life and hopefully, some day, I will find it!

I'm here writing this blog to tell my story, the ups, the downs, the stupid, the crazy, the fun and the wonderful aspects of my life. I want to talk about the men I've dated, good and bad, so I can break the cycle of dating bad men and maybe find my Mr. Right. I want to talk about my cycles of depression, so maybe I can find a way to break out of the cycle or at least see the depression coming so I can head it off at the pass. I want to talk about my dieting ups and downs, the successes and the failures. Mostly, I just want to talk, it helps me so much to get this stuff out of my head, clears my mind and helps me be at peace.

Welcome to my quest for happily ever after, whatever that may be:-)