Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happiness is.....

If I would have had any idea how good I would feel by writing a blog, I would have done it ages ago. I feel so much better, purging the bad gunk and making room for all the happy thoughts and I do have happy thoughts, lots of them!

Here are some things that make me happy:

Purple and orange

Chocolate peanut butter cupcakes from Bella Cupcake


Watching hockey


Dogs (my crazy dog, most of all)

My friends and family

When someone you really like calls or texts unexpectedly (especially when you know they are really busy, yet they take the time to call to say hi or text when they hate texting on their phone)

Finishing a great book

Sunday dinners with mom (my personal favorite is her pot roast)

Carmelized onions and bacon

A favorite song

My pretty painted toe nails


Working out

The Farmer's Market

Singing and dancing in the car

Putting a smile on someone else's face

Random acts of kindness

Paying it forward

The perfect day at the beach

Getting to sleep in

A kiss that makes you weak in the knees

Slow dancing in the kitchen with someone special

Being with someone who lets you be you


I could keep going on and on. Writing this, makes me happy. I've been trying to write this for the last few days, but there was dark in me and it needed to get out. Now that it's out, there is room for all these happy warm thoughts. HURRAY!

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