Thursday, June 7, 2012

Progress report

Just one more week and spring term will be in the books. I have a couple finals and a group presentation, I'm pretty confident all will go well and I'll get A's in both classes. I'm much more confident about the A in math than the A in business, but I'm optimistic. I always give myself such a hard time and worry about my grades, but I need to stop that, I'm doing really well and have a lot to be proud of.

This term has been extremely stressful, not just because my classes have been more difficult, but work has been more stressful as well. One of my co-workers has been on maternity leave, which has increased my workload. I think I'm doing all right, I haven't had any major meltdowns, but I am really stressed out, on total overload and ready for a break. 

Thankfully, I've been able to schedule some vacation and a couple of long weekends over the next couple of months. I've got two beach trips planned and just one week with nothing planned, which is nice. I've had enough of syllabuses and schedules for a while. 

A year ago, I never would have thought that any of this was possible. Working, going to school and being successful at both. I just didn't think I had it in me, yet here I am, 6 months in and I am so proud of myself for all I've been able to accomplish and really thankful for the support of friends, family and co-workers.

I am far stronger and way smarter than I have given myself credit for. I'm ready to lay the doubt to rest and stand up strong, confident and successful!

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