Thursday, October 7, 2010

Warring with the scale

Last night, I weighed myself. I did it fully clothed, with shoes on and it was not good. I know, I should never weigh myself fully dressed with clothes, but I did anyway. I know I should never weigh myself just days before my period is supposed to start, but I did anyway. I am SO frustrated with myself!

I can see that my body is changing, that I have muscle definition where there never was before, but I really want to see numbers coming off the scale!

To do that, I know I need to start eating better, but damn it, I LOVE FOOD!

Now that I have a pretty good gym routine going, I average 4 days a week. I really need to start watching what I eat. I don't need dessert every day, what I really NEED is more veggies and more salad! Less sugar, fat and processed foods, more protein, grain and veggies!

While it's really rewarding to see my body changing and my clothes fitting better and differently, I really want to see some change on the scale. I would be happy with just 5 pounds a month coming off, but to get on yesterday and see it say 15 pounds more than I thought it should, HOLY CRAP! Yes, I know, I weighed myself at a bad time, but it still pissed me off!

Fingers crossed, that will motivate me. I know I eat things I shouldn't. I know that it's good to treat myself once in a while, but I don't need to do it every day.

Why does food have to taste so good??? Why can't my favorite foods be veggies and not carb laden sweets and breads???

I'm going to start keeping a food journal. It has always helped in the past to write down every thing I eat and while I don't know how many calories are in everything, it will give me a good idea where I'm messing up and where I can make changes.

Hopefully in a month, I'll be able to come back and write a blog about the numbers on the scale going down. I just need to stay focused on my goal. Size 18, that's what I want to be again. I'm SO close, I can taste it. Just 20 or so pounds. That's nothing.


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