Saturday, October 2, 2010

Halloween is almost here

Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. The best costume I ever wore was my Pirate Princess, Saucy Rumpot. I felt GREAT in that costume and EVERYONE loved it!

Last year, I was an Indian Princess and it was OK, but no where near as good as the Pirate Princess.

This year, I want something just as good as the pirate, if not better. I'm not sure, that I'll ever be able to beat it, but I did find something I really like:) I'm going to be a bumble bee. It's SO cute!!!

I'm going to wear black tights (I have to, it's so short) and the same black boots that I wore with my Pirate costume. I haven't decided yet if I'll wear a wig, I LOVE wearing wigs. I might go with out a wig and do my hair curly or even crinkly. I'll have to play with it and see.

Now I need to plan a trip to the pumpkin patch, so I can get my pumpkins. YAY, I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!

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