Friday, October 1, 2010

Busy weekend

I've got a lot going on this weekend. I try really hard not to overbook myself on the weekends, but sometimes it just can't be helped.

Tonight, I'm going to a friend's house for a potluck. I'm excited, there will be good friends, good food and babies:)

Tomorrow morning, I'm picking up a friend and going to the Beaverton Farmer's Market and then Halloween costume shopping. She wants flowers from the market, I want zucchini, so I can make R some zucchini bread and I want some nut butter. YUM!

Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I am really excited about picking my costume. 2 years ago I was a Pirate Princess, it was my best costume ever and this year, I really want to out do that one! 

Tomorrow night, I'm supposed to be meeting CDLC for our first date. Unfortunately, it might not happen. He's got the cold/flu gunk that's going around and he feels like poo:( He was really sweet though to call me on Thursday to tell me that I could make other plans for Saturday if I wanted. I really want to meet him though, so I told him I wouldn't make other plans and if he feels better, we can still go out and if not, we'll have a phone date.

Sunday morning, I'm doing an AIDS walk with my friend. I've never done anything like it and I'm really excited! Who knows maybe I'll get addicted and start doing all kinds of marathons? Not likely, but hey, stranger things have happened!

Sunday evening, I have a date with A. Not sure where we're going or what we're doing. I'm looking forward to talking to him about the books he's writing and his travels around Europe.

Even though I'm going to be super busy and doing a lot of running around this weekend and probably tiring myself out too much, it's better than sitting at home, feeling sorry for myself;-)

1 comment:

  1. OOO oooo OOO!! I wanna do a marathon with you! I really wanted to do a race for the cure walk last year, but it cost too much money to register!! boo.. Does this cost anything? Let me know next time you guys are doing something like this, I'm in!
