Friday, December 30, 2011

Laying the past to rest and welcoming in a new year

As 2011 is coming to a close, it's time for me to let all the crap go and get ready for the new year. I have so much to look forward to this year!

I'm very excited to be starting college in less than 2 weeks. This is the biggest, most positive step I've taken in my life that I can remember. There is no negative to me going back to school and bettering myself!

2012 will also bring more hiking. For sure I want to hike Tillamook Head and Eagle creek trails again. I didn't go nearly far enough on either. Funny, if I hike less than 10 miles, it's just not a real hike to me anymore ;-) There's also talk of hiking to the top of Mt. St. Helens. This one would really push me, it's not like any other hike I've done. Two years ago, I would have said there's no way I could do it, now, I know, I can do anything I set my mind to!

I am also very excited about the new babies that are going to be born in 2012. Three of my very close friends are all pregnant and going to be having babies within weeks of each other. I have blankets to make, baby showers to plan, pictures to take and hopefully, lots of baby sitting to do.

2012 has the potential to be a great year for me, which I really need, after last year. I'm not gonna lie, 2011 was not my best year. I was in a horrible relationship that was mentally and emotionally draining. The stress and anguish caused me horrible migraines and the worst depression I've ever endured.

I am so frustrated with myself for letting that relationship go on for so long. I have spent too much of my life in relationships with the wrong people. I have wasted too much of my life desperately searching for Prince Charming and my happily ever after, while all along, I should have been focusing on me and doing what I want, and letting the happily ever after come along naturally.

Now that's over, it's water under the bridge. My migraines are gone, so is my depression. I am ready to leave the past in the past and start 2012 on a happy, positive note. I have way too much good going on to let any more negative bring me down!

Happy New Year everyone. May your 2012 bring you much love and happiness!

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