Friday, May 6, 2011

Bye bye writers block

I think I've finally slayed the writer's block dragon. I wrote out some of the feelings I was keeping bottled inside. I haven't posted it, might not ever post it, but at least it's out of me.

It's so funny, I started this blog for me, not for anyone else, yet, I feel as though I have to censor myself , because I know who reads this and I don't want to hurt any of those people, which then gives me writers block, then I start to feel gross, because I have all these thoughts that are running around in my head instead of me writing them and letting them out of me. Which really defeats the purpose of writing my blog in the first place.

So, to my friends, family and people that I love dearly, I'm writing this for me and if I say something here that hurts you or upsets you, I'm sorry, that is not my intention. This blog is my therapy and it has done wonders for me and helped me tremendously. Thank you for all your love and support, it means everything to me :)


  1. I know exactly how you feel. I hope you start writing more! I love reading :)

  2. I believe (and I could be wrong, so some research may be needed) that you can post certain blog entries as private, that you can only read. OR, just keep them as drafts that you can look back on :)
