Never in my life have I had such a restful vacation. I visited with friends, took a hike, did a day trip to Seattle, ate great food, sat by the pool, slept in, got a massage, got a facial, bbq'd, learned some new games and most importantly relaxed!
Being able to get up when I wanted and do whatever I felt like doing was really therapeutic. Not only that, but visiting with my friends and catching up with people I haven't seen in months or years, was so good for my emotional well being.
The last seven months have been so crazy with work and school, battling depression and a broken heart, I needed "me" time in a bad way. I think I have come to terms with some of my unresolved feelings and gotten over most of my broken heart and depression. I can't go backwards, I can only go forward. What's done is done, I'm going to leave it and walk away. Looking back reliving those feelings, those moments in time, only brings me down.
I want and need to continue these good, positive feelings, because for the first time in months, I feel happy. I am at peace and feeling almost whole and like myself again. It won't be easy, I have this horrible habit of sabotaging myself, but I'm going to do everything in my power to be smart and protect my heart and well being.
The following post was on Facebook today and is just what I need as a reminder to help me continue my happy feelings and be the best me I can be:
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