Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dreams really do come true!

I have been a huge fan of the band Snow Patrol for about 8 years now. My brother suggested I buy their album, Final Straw and I've been hooked ever since.

Yesterday, I was downtown to see their show at the Crystal Ballroom. I had time to kill and went to wander around Powell's Bookstore. While I was there, I ran in to Snow Patrol's lead singer, Gary Lightbody. He was kind of enough to chat and let me take a picture.

I know he loves Portland from interviews he's given and things he's said on his blog. A couple years ago, he recorded an album in Portland with Tired Pony. I have always hoped to run in to him and yesterday was the day! To say I was excited to meet him, is an understatement.

Thank you, Gary, it was lovely to meet you!

After I met him and calmed down a bit, I continued my meanderings through Powell's. Picked up a book (Zombie Pirates) for my friend, Brian. Then I went and headed over to Henry's to meet my friend, Todd, for dinner, before the show.

After dinner, we headed to the Crystal Ballroom and arrived just in time to see the opener, Ed Sheeran. He is AMAZING! Please check him out!

After Ed's set, it was time for the main act, SNOW PATROL!!!

This was my third time seeing them live and they are amazing. It was nice seeing them in a small venue. The sound was good and you could see them really well. The show was really high energy and so much fun! I had the best time dancing and singing along with all the songs. Here are a couple videos I took with my phone. The visual isn't that great, but the sound is what it's important. Enjoy :)



    Snow Patrol have been my lifeline, and Gary seems like such a down-to-earth, funny person.

    Funny things is, there is a chance I'll be moving to Belfast next year, even then, my chances of bumping into them are in minus numbers...

    1. Gary was super sweet and so kind. I wish you luck that you run in to him :)
