Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Think positive and let light into your life

When life has you down, think positive, it will get better.
When you are in a rough patch and it seems as though nothing but negative is coming your way, think positive, this rough patch won't last forever.
When you wake up feeling sick every day, whether it's a headache or stomach ache, that's not right, something is wrong, try thinking positive.
I used to be a horribly negative person and I still have my moments, but through therapy and the help of some really amazing friends, I've learned to be a more positive person. Once I started thinking and acting positively, more good things started to happening to me in my life. Once I cut out the people in my life who did nothing but bring me down, I started feeling so much better.
There are some people that I love who can be really negative and I want so much for them to be more positive, I think they'd feel so much better about themselves and their life. I know it's not easy. Life can be very difficult.
One person in particular, I've had talks with them about being more positive and when they were working at being more positive, you could tell, things really started looking up for them. It made me SO happy to see that!
I know it's not easy and it takes a lot more energy to be positive than to be negative, but it is so much more rewarding!
You know the old saying, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
See the brighter side of life.

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