People say to me all the time "How do you do it? I couldn't work full time while going to school. How do you have time for a life?". Honestly, two years ago, I was saying the same thing to people I knew that were working and going to school. Never in a million years did I think I'd be where I'm at now, working around 45 hours per week, going to school between half and three-quarters time and getting straight A's.
Going back to school was scary and I wasn't sure I could do it. There have been lots of ups and a few downs. I've been tired, stressed and emotional, but I've gotten through each term fairly unscathed.
This term, though, has been exceptionally difficult for me. I don't know if it's because I took too many classes or if they're that much harder or if I've just hit the breaking point and am so burned out, I don't give a fuck anymore. Whatever the cause this term, I'm tired all the time and feel like I'm drowning.
This term, I've received my first C and F on exams. I am so fortunate that my one exam was being graded on a curve and the F actually turned in to a C. Getting those grades was a HUGE wake up call, I am a straight A student, how is it even possible I got a C, let alone an F on an exam?!?!?!?
This term I haven't been putting forth the same effort to my classes as I have in the past. I might actually not get straight A's this term. I really need a break.
There are five weeks left of classes this term and then I am taking the entire summer OFF! I don't care if it means having to be in school for an extra term, I need to have a little bit of my life back.
Here are some of the things that I am really looking forward to during my summer off:
Working out four days a week
Vacation to Ashland and New Orleans
Reading a book for PLEASURE!
Not being tired
Spending more time with Mark
Not worrying about school
Not taking exams or writing papers
Spending time with friends and family
My hope is that if I get enough "me" time in this summer, it will give me the strength I need to get through the next year and a half or so of schooling. I CAN DO IT!