Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pay it Forward

My mission in life, my advice to everyone, pay it forward. It's not hard, anyone can do it. Even the simplest task, like letting someone go in front of you at the grocery store, showing common courtesy, or giving a nickel to someone to cover their coffee or groceries, can make a HUGE difference in the lives of those people.

We're all busy, we all have things to do, places to be, but even a split second choice or decision can change someone's life. Think about your actions and how they affect those around you, whether they be family, friends, loved ones or complete strangers.

We CAN change the world. One random act of kindness at a time.

True story. Several years ago, I was at a gas station. The attendant was young, early 20's. He came to my window, I gave him my card and said, "Fill with regular, please." Then he returned my card and I said, "Thank you." The look on his face was priceless, he said "Wow, you just made my day. Nobody ever says "Please" or "Thank you" to me. Ever.". I was shocked at how happy that made him, because to me, that's just what you do, but think about if. If you're doing a service for someone and no one ever says please, thank you or even shows you any courtesy, over time, that could completely break you down.

I have never forgot that attendant or his reaction to my simple words of please and thank you and I share that story often. I also say please and thank you to anyone and everyone, no matter who they are. It doesn't cost me anything and in some cases, it might just mean everything to the person I've said it to.

Here are my favorite inspirational pay it forward stories: - Robyn performed 38 random acts of kindness on her 38th birthday! She has since started a website called The Birthday Project , please check it out!

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

What a year 2012 was, there were some downs, but the ups more than made up for the bad parts of the year. I went back to school after a twenty year break and got straight A's in all my classes. Several friends and family members had happy healthy babies this year. I adopted a new dog, Gavin, who I absolutely adore. I took a couple of good, low key vacations, the best kind for relaxing. The best part of 2012 though, I met the most wonderful man, who I am crazy about.

I am so excited for 2013. I've got two big trips planned and a couple small ones. I'm turning the big 4-0 this year. I'm a little nervous about that, but not going to let it get me down. It's going to be a good year. Sending happy, healthy wishes to all. Think positive and make your dreams come true!